What are Sundays Like?

Worship at MMC

We worship together at 10:45 am. Services are music-filled and reflect the gifts of those in the MMC community. Join us in person at 1000 Fremont st, Manhattan, KS, or digitally on Zoom. 

Children's Church

On the second Sunday of each month, children gather during the worship hour for a Faith Formation story, activities and singing. 

On the other Sundays, there is a Kids Club activity during the sermon that gives the children a hands-on version of the message for that day. These activities are supervised by adults who have been instructed in our Safe Church training.

Adult Faith Formation

We meet in the basement from 9:30 - 10:30 am for coffee/tea and discussion on a variety of Bible study themes. Everyone is welcome!

What to Expect

When you arrive, you’ll be greeted and given a printed bulletin that outlines the order of worship. We pray and sing together, have Children’s Time, and read scripture. The message is usually a sermon, or it could be a member sharing their faith story, or a dramatic interpretation of a Bible story, or even a musical. Wear whatever you are comfortable wearing, and ask whatever questions that arise for you. We strive to be welcoming to everyone and we apologize for not having a fully accessible building - there are stairs to get to the sanctuary, and more stairs to get to the kitchen and bathrooms. We are working toward building a new fully-accessible meetinghouse. We have potluck lunches on the first Sunday of every month, so please stay and share a meal and allow us to get to know you.